A Christmas Hint
A Christmas Hint
A Christmas Hint
By DT (More information on the Christmas Hint)
Skates and trains
Dolls and planes
gin-ger-bread coo-kies and red and white can-dy canes
Tie the bow
Time to go
Pa-per, tape, sci-ssors and tracks in the snow.
I can't wait un-til Christ-mas.
Un-der the tree
Is it wait-ing for me?
When I wake up on Christ-mas what fun there will be.
flat and wide
neat-ly tied
Ne-ver mind that one I know there's a book in-side
Long and round
Stands on the ground
Oh come take a guess at this weird thing I've found.
I can't wait un-til Christ-mas.
Under the tree
Is it wait-ing for me?
When I wake up on Christ-mas what fun there will be.
Sit round the tree
We've still got to wait now for Mom and her list you see
Skates and trains
Dolls and planes
crawl down be-hind it to see what re-mains
Now it's fi-nal-ly Christ-mas
I've wait-ed so long
Now to find that I'm wrong
Hey! it's here! (May-be part-ly from sing-ing this song?)