Christmas Time Is Pagan
Christmas Time Is Pagan: (to the tune, Angles We Have Heard on High) in two parts
Christmas Time Is Pagan
Anonymous (More information on Christmas Time Is Pagan)
Pagan Santa
Christmas time is here again,
Decorations everywhere.
Christmas carols ringing out,
Gentle pagans, we don't care.
Christmas time is pagan!
Christmas time is pagan!
Modern folks all celebrate
What they learned in Sunday School.
In December, they don't know
They are celebrating Yule!
Let them have their Christmas trees,
Decked in red and green and blue.
We rejoice at every one!
Christmas trees are pagan, too.
Bowls of bubbly Christmas cheer,
Fill your cup and quench your thirst.
They think the tradition's theirs.
Wassail bowls were pagan, first.
Every door and window bears
Wreaths of holly, wreaths of pine.
Circles represent the Sun.
Every wreath is yours and mine.